“Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.”
Al-Anon Step 12
“Practicing the Twelfth Step offers us an opportunity to share our program in a new way. We benefit when we practice gratitude, and Al-Anon service is gratitude in action.”
When I Got Busy, I Got Better
There are many ways to perform service in Al-Anon. Helping to set up the meeting, chairing a meeting, bringing a program for a meeting, and sharing are just some of the many ways to serve in Al-Anon. Over time you may also wish to sign up for longer term group service positions like treasurer or secretary. Groups also have representatives to some of the other support groups within the Al-Anon structure. These positions include the Al-Anon Information Service Representative (AIS Rep) and the District Group Representative (GR).
To see a video (less than 15 minutes) of some of our AIS reps sharing their experiences of service in Al-Anon click HERE.
“The greatest thing we learn from the Al-Anon program is that we cannot get unless we give.”
One Day at a Time in Al-Anon, April 30th
Service Structure – From the Group to the World Service Conference
The Al-Anon service structure starts with the individual groups. That’s why the groups are listed at the top of this service structure graphic. Each Al‑Anon and Alateen group elects a Group Representative (GR) and in this way connects to Al‑Anon worldwide.
The District is the first link from the groups to the Area, the WSO, and the World Service Conference. Districts are comprised of a number of groups within a geographical or non‑geographical part of an Area that meet as needed. Our District is District 4 and includes all of the meetings you see on this website. The Group Representatives (GRs) from the groups in the District, attend the District meetings to represent their group. District 4 meetings currently meet four times a year. You can find the next scheduled District meeting scheduled on our events page [ click here ].
Areas are comprised of groups and Districts in a determined location that can be geographically or non‑geographically defined. In our Area, we are the groups and districts in North Carolina and Bermuda. Our Area is Area 42 in the World Service Organization. Every group in the Area has a voice and a vote in Area business through their Group Representative (GR). Each Area in the World Service Conference Structure is represented at the annual World Service Conference by an Area Delegate, elected every three years by the GRs at a Fall Area Assembly meeting.The Area Assembly is the business meeting where the groups send their representatives to express a voice and vote on behalf of the group. During an Assembly, the Delegate reports the activities of the World Service Conference. GRs attend two Area Assembly meetings per year. You can find the next scheduled Area Assembly scheduled on our events page [ click here ].
In between Assemblies, Area World Service Committee (AWSC) meetings are held, attended by the Assembly officers, all District Representatives, Al‑Anon Information Service Liaisons, and the Area
Coordinators of special services. At these meetings, the Assembly agenda is planned, information and reports are conveyed, and decisions may be made that cannot wait until the next Assembly.
The World Service Conference (WSC) is an annual meeting of the elected Delegates from each of the Areas of the World Service Conference Structure, the Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee, and World Service Office Conference Staff. Through the discussions and deliberations at the WSC, the active voice and
effective group conscience of Al‑Anon is heard on world service matters.
* For more detail, see the 2022 – 2025 Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual.
Al-Anon Information Service
An Al-Anon Information Service (AIS), sometimes called an Intergroup, is a local service established by the groups and/or Districts within its geographical boundaries. It exists to aid the groups it serves in the common purpose of carrying the Al‑Anon message to the families and friends of alcoholics.
The Triad Al-Anon Information Service provides an umbrella of support to the Groups in our geographical area and also support of Al-Anon in general. Triad AIS maintains this website, our meeting lists, our support hotlines, and many outreach activities throughout the year. Triad Al-Anon meets monthly on the 2nd Thursday of the month. You can find the next scheduled meeting on our Events page [ click here ].
Young people between the ages of 7 and 19 whose lives have been affected by alcohol or substance abuse within their families or circle of friends are welcome at our Alateen meetings.
There are a number of ways to support Alateen in the Triad area.
If you are interested in becoming an Alateen Sponsor, you will need to become an Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS).
You might also wish to support an Alateen through the Love Program that helps Alateens go to various events.