District 4 September 2023 Quarterly Meeting
via ZoomDistrict 4 meets quarterly through Zoom. To access the zoom info and documents, click the event title above.
Serving the Greensboro, High Point and Winston-Salem areas
District 4 meets quarterly through Zoom. To access the zoom info and documents, click the event title above.
Central Al-Anon hosts a speaker the first and third Wednesday of each month. Kristy M. will be our speaker this evening. To learn more, click the event title above.
The Triad Al-Anon Information Service groups meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:15 PM via Zoom. To access the zoom info and documents, click the event title above.
Central Al-Anon hosts a speaker the first and third Wednesday of each month. Junko will be our speaker this evening. To learn more, click the event title above.
Central Al-Anon hosts a speaker the first and third Wednesday of each month. Our speaker for November 1st is Mary M. To learn more, click the event title above.
NC/Bermuda Area 42 hosts Assemblies in the spring and fall. To learn more, click the event title above.
The Triad Al-Anon Information Service groups meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:15 PM via Zoom. To access the zoom info and documents, click the event title above.
Central Al-Anon hosts a speaker the first and third Wednesday of each month. Our speaker for November 15th is Kathy Z. To learn more, click the event title above.
Central Al-Anon hosts a speaker the first and third Wednesday of each month. Our speaker for December 6th is Lynne C. To learn more, click the event title above.
All are welcome to attend. Dinner (free) & Fellowship at 6pm Speaker Meeting at 7pm The AA speaker will be Alex S. The Al-Anon speaker will be Anja H.
To learn more about this special event, click the heading above.
The Triad Al-Anon Information Service groups meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:15 PM via Zoom. To access the zoom info and documents, click the event title above.