If Al-Anon Information Service (AIS) is totally new to you, here’s some tips to get you started. Many newcomers find their way to Al-Anon through our efforts. If your group doesn’t currently have an AIS Rep, please join us!
- Triad AIS meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:15 pm via Zoom. The Zoom login information is above.
- You do not need to be an AIS rep to attend the meetings. Any member of Al-Anon can attend the meetings. We’ll welcome you!
- If you aren’t sure what AIS reps do, feel free to come and just listen and report back to your meeting.
- You don’t need to volunteer to do any other service until you are ready. The following list are some of the things AIS provides to our meetings. If later on something strikes your fancy, let the chairperson know.
- In the meantime, thank you for showing up!